... Pen and Teller were showing people how it's really done...
But JWs are not superstitious, no, no. LOL.
... pen and teller were showing people how it's really done.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pucaido2x4i.
but jws are not superstitious, no, no.
... Pen and Teller were showing people how it's really done...
But JWs are not superstitious, no, no. LOL.
for some reason this subject has not received much attention over the years which surprises me.theres many conspiracy theories floating around on the internet and lve done my fair share of due diligence on the matter.the school is still out on this one.l find it very hard to believe humans are the only intelligent beings out there.has anyone on this forum ever seen a ufo or experienced a close encounter?
UFO = Unidentified Flying / Floating Object. Do people ever see objects flying in the sky that they can't identify? Yes. Therefore UFO's obviously do exist. What does it mean? It means that we are not always able to identify flying objects.
I think that credible investigations have revealed that the vast majority of UFO sightings are caused by errors of perception, where very innocuous objects are mistaken for alien spacecraft because of poor viewing conditions or other peculiar circumstances.
In some cases the UFOs are actually experimental military aircraft being test-flown. It may also be satellites. A distant aircraft can appear to accelerate unnaturally fast if it changes direction from moving toward the observer at a slight angle, to moving perpendicular to the observer's line of sight. A large number of claimed UFO footage are also hoaxes. A lot of the documentaries on UFOs are sensational in nature, designed to appeal to conspiracy-minded viewers rather than actually giving the objective truth.
There is a lot of fakery, half-truths, distortions, exaggerations and wild imaginations when it comes to UFO claims. There simply is no real evidence of extraterrestrial visitations, and I'm saying this as someone who thinks it very likely that there is life out there somewhere in our vast universe. But knowing the vast size of our universe and the tremendous distance between stars I think it very unlikely that alien life would be able to physically travel to us and back. The vastness of space is virtually an impenetrable barrier to interstellar commuting between planets that host intelligent life. I think the likelihood of there being life out there is greater than the likelihood of them being able to come to us or we go to them. The most we can hope for is picking up some form of extraterrestrial communication broadcast - assuming they're even technologically advanced enough to achieve such a feet. And that's another thing. We seem to always assume that alien life would be just as advanced or more advanced than we are. Maybe the majority are primitive superstitious beings with very little or no scientific or technological knowledge. The universe could be teeming with intelligent life, but we could be one of very few or perhaps the only ones who have advanced technologically to the point of being able to broadcast to outer space.
when asked: “why there is so much of suffering here if god exists?” buddha responded with silence because he knew the following:.
1) even though living in heaven, anyone can live as though he lives in hell and vice versa which means how a person thinks is the key.
experience show that whatever a person does with 100% involvement (totality = beauty), it is like he lives in heaven.
I believe the desire to be thanked and praised stems from pride and egotism. True love would not seek thanks and praise. Contrary to the bible's claims, the thoughts and the desires of the god of the bible are not higher than human thoughts. A truly superior and loving being would not exhibit the egotism that the god of the bible exhibits. The god of the bible exhibits the traits of a narcissistic psychopath.
it is hard to teach that the earth is flat these day do to a more informed society, and now that we have entered the information age i see a whole new ball game is before a rather ignorant bunch of old farts called the governing body.
these guys are totally ignorant by choice and are trying desperately to keep their captive's ignorant for as long as possible.
the gb's internet apperances are all laughable to any sane individual and a total embarasement.
You know those programs for blocking out pornography, like Xstop? Well I wouldn't be surprised if Watchtower starts sending a special apostate-website-blocking program to all publishers to install on their computers and other internet-enabled devices. I believe that this is a very real possibility.
And to ensure compliance, they might make it so that when you install you must register your name and congregation and that information is sent to Watchtower VIA your internet connection. And if/when you uninstall a notification of this is also sent to Watchtower. That way the elders in each congregation can keep tabs on who in the congregation haven't installed the software so that they can provide them with "loving assistance" to make full use of this "loving provision" from Jehovah to safeguard their spirituality.
that's all i have to say.
"If only he were to kill Jesus, then no one else would have to die!"
So you're saying that Jesus died for Rick's sins?
I think it's Michonne. Michonne is a real badass and you'd remember that Negan reacted to some apparent bravery or strength exhibited by the victim after he gave the first blow or two. So I think it's either Michonne or Daryl.
so at around the 46 min mark - the are talking to this guy from ukraine who was a zoologist.. he talks about how he was a staunch evolutionist (who wasn't able to prove evolution to himself, by the way).
then when he studied nature through the lens of evolution - he found that nature contradicted evolution.. his big point came when he said - "imagine emptying a box of letter blocks on a table, and the encyclopedia britannica appears, or could a computer program come by chance.
so who could dna come by chance.".
very interesting.
give this a read.
in our congregation, the elders rarely comment.
the majority rarely comment, 2 sisters, vehemently, and often comment.
since in their case, it can not possibly be" teaching in the congregation", is participation in the wt "study"in general an affirmation of faith?
I don't think commenting necessarily indicates that someone is a true believer. Sometimes an awake JW might comment just to keep up appearances. Or maybe an awake JW might give comments that are geared at subtly hinting at TTATT or maybe to subtly counter extremist views shared in the literature or other comments.
So I think the nature of the comments have to also be taken into consideration. Do the comments bear the mark of extremist JW views, blindly towing the Watchtower line; or are they more reasonable, thoughtful and sober encouraging balance, compassion, lack of judgmentalism, etc?
i'm sure there are countless opinions on whether you should get a tattoo or not.
my personal view is that if you were to get one it should mean something.. anyone get a tattoo to remember their jw roots?
i was thinking of getting a tetragrammaton somewhere.
if so, what did you think about tonight's season finale?